Somebody say i bo post for so long so na. see hor. i posting hor. hahah
Erm. today nth much. super funny arh . Had lunch wif Gals and liwei & NBF except D & Nadia): haha. i dunno how t reaction infront of u so plz dun appear near me.
Anw, Nearly had fever last night i think den slept thru' out the night. NOT PIG HOR.
Just too tired and headache like killing me since the music started. -.- wth right
Apparently dun really absorb much on Music thingie . ): hahhaha
Tml got test. nxt week also got test. What's up wif tests sia wah lao. why 2 mths no test so muz give us more arh. wah lao eh. hahahahahaha
Cindy: Ps, pics cnnt upload koz, ... sth arh. hahahah
SRY> but got post hor hahahha.
sian. dunno what write liao. hahhaha. tml feel like buyin chocolate for band arh. muz go find accompany. hahahha(:
Band so boring. CAn die sia wah lao. Hard t sms somemore. hahah wah lao. idiot seh
miss one time tio detention -.- wth lah . hahahahhs.
Chinese lesson finally like goin t start topic-.- hahha. then.......... nth liao hahhaha
Goinn to eat soon. ): but luck arh this time not hungry. at least not that hungry lah hahhaa.
Apparently almost everyone know that im always hungry seh wah lao . hahahhaha
become hungry gal hahhaha. WTH LAME rite hahhhahhaha.